Ted Talk Evaluation

          Finally, after completing my Ted Talk in class, a huge burden was lifted off my back and now I can focus back on trying to get my app to work and release it into the app store and eventually get some profits (for which Mr. Perlman will get 10% of all profits on this app). Today, on my Ted Talk, I think it went quite well, though not exactly how I practiced it. Looking at the four grading criterions (visual component, content, organization, and delivery), I think that I was able to meet the expectations on most of the criterions. 

          For the visual component, I think I did quite well as the visual component was an aide rather than driving the presentation. Also, in the visual component, I used pictures to display ideas versus using lots of text to get the point across. Therefore in the visual component category, I think I should not lose any points.

          The second criteria of content is another area that I also think I performed very well on as I covered the four areas listed in the content area. For the "inspire through your passion section", I used my passion of technology to inspire the audience to share the excitement that I have when working with technology. In the "show your product" section, I displayed a picture of my app to show how my app looks and I also displayed a picture of the code to show the different functions that my app has. For the "explain your process" section, I explained the three stages of creating an app and talked about how I achieved each stage in order to create the app. Lastly, for the "what is your purpose and what the audience should take away" section, I conveyed the idea of how overcoming obstacles in order to learn is more important than the final product when performing different tasks.

         The third criteria of organization is where I think that I should lose a point because though I had a hook, transitions, logical order, and an effective conclusion, I could have had better transitions to advance to the next topic I talk about. I think that I had some pretty rough transitions and there were awkward transitions that could have hurt my talk.

          The fourth criteria of delivery is also another section where I think I should lose a point because of the overall quality of the talk. Though I was quite enthusiastic and poised, my talk could have been more refined because I stumbled a few times when I spoke and there was also some gaps where I lost my place and starting stuttering a little. 

        Overall, I think that because of the above comments, the grade I should receive on this talk is a 28/30. This is what I honestly thought what I did in order to receive this grade, though there will be a little bit of unintentional bias just because this is a self-reflection. I hope you enjoyed my talk!


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