Programming Failures

          Well, before continuing I would like to make one thing clear: my app is still not finished. It is not finished because I have not been trying or because I have been lazy. It isn't finished because Objective C is much harder than I thought. So, for this final post, I have decided to dedicate it to my failures in programming this app.

          Failure #1: Underestimating the language. Objective C is a language that bears very little resemblance to my prior programming experience. I have programmed in mostly C, C++, and Java though not being at the highest level in the languages. As it turns out, Objective C requires a very high level of C understanding. Though I lacked the high level of C understanding, it didn't stop me from still trying Objective C. I actually was able to kind of program and get some of the features working while others were still pretty hard to achieve. Nevertheless, I gave Objective C, my full effort and even though my app is still under development, it actually has some working functions.

                 The number of files I worked with in Objective C                         The number of files I work with normally with C++

          Failure #2: Allocating programming time. In my first post, I described designing the app to be the most difficult part of the app creation process and said that programming would be the easiest part. Boy was I wrong. The design of the app, though it was the more creative part, took significantly less time than the programming of the app. The design I created look really simple and polished, but programming it was a huge hassle. Starting with the homework aspect in my programming endeavor, I realized that even the simplest part of the programming was extremely difficult due to all the different parts and that it would take a while. Honestly speaking, I spent all the programming time that I had allocated (like the 4 weeks) trying to get the homework aspect to work, unfortunately, failing each time. If I had maybe given myself more time in programming, and less in design, could I have actually finished at least the homework element. 


        What my app was supposed to look like                                     What it currently looks like (still trying to get it to work)

          Failure #3: Idea complexity. When starting to think of an idea to make into reality for this project, I thought up a project that was extremely complex and that many programmers that actually do this for a living find mediocre. Knowing that this was my first app I would be making, I should not have thought of such a complex idea and I should have started easy and built up to having different features. I think I chose this mainly as a challenge, but I should have realized that it would be better to stay in my range. 

          Overall, even though I had a few failures, I am not going to say that I totally messed up. It is not that my app functions did not take place, but it was that I was not able to display my different functions to the user in the GUI. Many of the aspects that I had tried to display worked, but the only issue was making them sensitive to the users touch on the iPhone. Even though I am at a small setback, I will still continue to build this app successfully!


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