Getting Started

          Ever since that faithful day in June 2007, the Apple iPhone has become a device that its users center their lives around. Whether it is setting an alarm, or even purchasing a coffee at Starbucks, iPhone users use their phones to accomplish these tasks. The main reason that the iPhone has become such a huge device and has transformed the mobile industry is solely due to the App Store, which, in fact, was released one year after the original iPhone. The App Store has become a huge online store of applications used by the millions of users of iPhones to create virtually unlimited additional functionalities for the iPhone. Some of these additional functionalities are games, such as the popular Angry Birds, or utilities, such as the Starbucks app, which allows the user to purchase coffee by simply scanning the iPhone. For the scope of this project, I plan to contribute the iPhone application market, by creating an app of my own.

          The way that contributing to the App Store works is very simple if put in plain terms. The user creates the app using the application Xcode (provided by Apple). Apps for the iPhone are written in Objective-C and Xcode compiles these apps in the correct packages for the App Store. After the app is created, the user creates a developer account with Apple, and submits the app for review. After the app has been approved by Apple, it is submitted into the app store, for the millions of users to download. Though this process seems pretty basic on the outside, it is in reality very complex as it requires a strong programming background in order to perfect the creation of the app.

          The app that I will be contributing to the app store is one geared towards high school and college students to account for the schedules, assignments, and finances of the students. One of the app's functionalities is creating a virtual schedule for the student, so the student knows exactly where to be at a given time. The schedule can be based on classes that are on certain cycles, or classes based on days of the week. The second functionality of the app is entering assignments. This serves as a virtual agenda book for the student, as the app allows for the student to enter in the various assignments for various classes with their due dates. When these due dates approach, the student gets a reminder on the phone informing him/her to complete the assignments. The third functionality of the app is to manage the student's finances. As many high school and college students have jobs, it becomes important that they balance their checking accounts so they do not overspend their income and they can budget their money for short-term and long-term expenses. The app will allow the student to enter a monthly income and then record their purchases, so they know how much money they can spend for the month. The app will also allow for student to set a price for an item they want, and the amount of money monthly, that they want to provide for the item. Once this amount is made, it will send the user a reminder.

          The overall goal for this project is to create a fully functional, and bug-free app, which will be released into the App Store. This app will be available for all students to download, and hopefully, I will be able to make a profit off of the app. First off, the materials that I will use a MacBook, the Xcode application, and an Apple developer account, three things that I already have, and you should get if you plan on imitating this process. In order to achieve this goal, I will have to follow a very specific procedure with a very specific timeline. For the next six weeks, I have a plan set up that will allow me to finish my app. For all of you that are reading and are not  a part of my class, I will have weekly updates to demonstrate each of the steps I am at. The steps that I will follow are: designing the app, programming the app, testing the app, adjusting the app based on testing, and finally, releasing the app into the App Store. After each week, I will record my progress by checking off each of the steps in my process. Hopefully, I will be able to succeed sticking to this schedule, and will reach my desired goal by the end of the remaining six weeks. 


  1. Hey Mayank! I really like the idea of making an app that can make viewing my schedule easy. It's hard to imagine how many times I've had to open sapphire using Safari on my iPhone to check where I'm supposed to be, or when a period ends. It seems like I do it almost every school day. The thing I hate about using sapphire on my mobile browser is that I have to sign in every time, navigate to the "schedule" section, and it takes SO long to load. Hopefully I'll be able to download your app and this won't be a problem anymore. Also, you seem to be very passionate about coding, which will probably make your app even more of a success.

    Overall, I think you're gonna have a lot of fun with this, and I can't wait to be one of the first people to download your app. Good luck over these next six weeks!

  2. Your project sounds really interesting! If you are looking for inspiration, my favorite schedule and homework app is iStudiez Pro. If repeats your block schedule for you and I have found it really useful. I use it instead of my agenda book.

    This app basically fulfills your first two goals but it does not have a finance option. One thing that iStudiez does have is an option to keep track of your grades. It does not work well but that may be something that you want to consider.

    Good luck with your app!

  3. Really interesting project Mayank! If you finish your app, I'll be sure to download it. OH wait, #teamandroid
    But really cool stuff.
    I think you definitely have what it takes to do this project, given your programming/web design background, I think it's something that really does fit you well. I wish you the best of luck!

    I think you did a really nice job illustrating what you mean to do, and how you plan to do it, but I'd like to hear a bit more about why you chose this project. What drives you? (Have a bit more voice)

    Overall nice job and really cool project!


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